Exploring the World of Coffee: A Glossary

Coffee is a craft with its own language and traditions, but it can be complex and intimidating for newcomers. This guide helps you navigate this fascinating world with confidence.
Acidity: Bright, sharp taste sensation in coffee, often described as tangy or crisp.
Aeropress: Portable coffee brewing device using pressure and paper filter.
Affogato: Espresso poured over vanilla ice cream.
Altitude: Elevation where coffee is grown, affecting bean flavor complexity.
Aperitivo: Italian coffee ritual combining espresso with small snack.
Arabica: Premium coffee species known for superior flavor, grown at higher altitudes.
Aroma: Fragrance and smell of coffee before and after brewing.
Aromatics: Volatile compounds creating coffee's distinctive smell.
Astringency: Dry, puckering sensation in coffee caused by tannins.
Barista: Professional coffee maker and café staff trained in preparing espresso-based drinks.
Batch Brew: Large-volume coffee preparation method using drip or filter brewing.
Bean Density: Measure of coffee bean compactness affecting roasting.
Bean-to-Cup: Process of creating coffee directly from whole coffee beans.
Blend: Coffee made from multiple bean origins mixed together.
Bloom: Initial gas release when hot water first contacts fresh coffee grounds.
Body: Sensation of weight and texture of coffee in the mouth.
Brewing Ratio: Proportion of coffee grounds to water.
Burr Grinder: Precision grinding device with two rotating surfaces.
Caffeine: Natural stimulant found in coffee beans.
Cappuccino: Espresso drink with steamed milk and milk foam.
Chaff: Thin skin removed from beans during roasting.
Chemex: Pour-over coffee brewing method using a distinctive glass container.
Cherry: Fruit containing coffee beans before processing.
Cold Brew: Coffee steeped in cold water for extended periods, typically 12-24 hours.
Cortado: Espresso with equal parts steamed milk.
Crema: Golden-brown foam on top of an espresso shot.
Cupping: Professional coffee tasting and evaluation method.
Dark Roast: Beans roasted longer, producing darker color and bolder flavor.
Decaf: Coffee with caffeine content significantly reduced.
Dialing In: Adjusting brewing parameters for optimal extraction.
Drip Coffee: Brewing method where hot water passes through ground coffee into a container.
Espresso: Concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely-ground beans.
Espresso Machine: Device forcing hot water through compacted coffee grounds.
Extraction: Process of removing soluble compounds from coffee grounds.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe: Renowned coffee region known for floral, complex beans.
Filter Coffee: Brewing method using paper or cloth filter.
Flavor Notes: Specific taste characteristics detected in coffee.
Flat White: Espresso with steamed milk, less foam than a cappuccino.
French Press: Manual brewing method using a plunger to separate grounds from liquid.
Green Beans: Unroasted coffee beans.
Grinding: Process of breaking coffee beans into smaller particles
Grind Size: Coarseness of ground coffee, affecting brewing extraction.
Hand Brewing: Manual coffee preparation methods like pour-over.
Hard Bean: High-altitude grown coffee with denser structure.
Honey Process: Coffee processing method leaving some fruit mucilage on beans.
Humidity: Moisture's impact on green coffee bean quality.
Immersion Brewing: Method where coffee grounds are fully submerged in water.
Intermediate Roast: Between light and medium roast levels.
Italian Roast: Very dark roast with intense, burnt flavor profile.
Java: Colloquial term for coffee originating from the Indonesian island.
Jebena: Traditional Ethiopian coffee pot used in coffee ceremonies.
Kalita Wave: Pour-over coffee brewing device with flat-bottom filter.
Kenya AA: High-grade Kenyan coffee bean classification.
Kona Coffee: High-quality coffee grown in Hawaii's Kona region.
Latte: Espresso with steamed milk and light foam.
Liberica: Rare coffee species with unique, woody flavor profile.
Light Roast: Beans roasted for shorter time, maintaining more original flavor characteristics.
Lungo: Long espresso with more water volume.
Macchiato: Espresso marked with small amount of milk.
Microfoam: Extremely fine, smooth milk foam used in latte art.
Moka Pot: Stovetop espresso brewing device.
Moisture Content: Water percentage in green coffee beans.
Natural Process: Coffee beans dried with fruit still attached.
Nitrogen Flushing: Packaging technique preserving coffee freshness.
Over-extraction: Brewing coffee too long, resulting in bitter taste.
Organic Certification: Verification of pesticide-free growing practices.
Peaberry: Single, rounded coffee bean inside cherry.
Portafilter: Handled basket holding ground coffee in espresso machines.
Pour-Over: Manual brewing method using a filter and steady water pour.
Pressure Profiling: Varying espresso machine pressure during extraction.
Roast Levels: Spectrum from light to dark determining coffee flavor profile.
Ristretto: Concentrated, short espresso shot.
Robusta: Coffee species with higher caffeine, more bitter taste.
Single Origin: Coffee from one specific geographic location.
Specialty Coffee: High-quality beans scoring 80+ on professional rating scale.
Tamping: Compressing ground coffee in an espresso portafilter.
Terroir: The environmental context where coffee is grown, including soil, climate, altitude, and topography.
Turkish Coffee: Unfiltered coffee prepared by boiling finely ground beans.
Under-extraction: Brewing coffee too briefly, resulting in sour taste.
V60: Conical pour-over coffee dripper.
Varieties: Different subspecies or cultivars of coffee plants.
Washed Process: Coffee beans stripped of fruit before drying.
Wet Hulling: Indonesian coffee processing method.